Importance of winter precipitation in tree fruit production

When fruit trees are in their dormant phase, they typically do not require additional watering. Throughout the winter, while the roots remain active, they usually receive sufficient moisture from the winter precipitation in the soil. When fruits are still in the tree,...

Back to Basics: Ways to Measure and Improve Soil Health

Back to Basics: Ways to Measure and Improve Soil Health Get the dirt on measuring the chemical, physical and biological components of your soil this fall to make well-informed decisions for 2024 As the foundation for a healthy crop and sustainable production, soil...

Importance of Fall Fertility in Apples and Pears

With apples and pears going into bins, it’s a wonderful time of the year. Fall is around the corner, and a much-needed break is on the way. In most perennial tree fruit, however, initial Spring growth and early fruit development rely mainly on reserves accumulated the...

The Importance and Difference Between Soil Tests

Growing a crop can be difficult, there are many different metrics that need to be correct to get the desired yield. Water management, proper pruning, keeping pests and disease away, and adequate nutrition. Here at Wilbur-Ellis, we are always looking for scientifically...

Soil Health and Baby Tree Performance

One of the common challenges faced by apple growers when establishing new plantings is optimizing tree growth to get the allotted space filled as quickly as possible in order to begin setting crops in year 2 or 3 without stunting trees. Several factors are important...

Early Season Nitrogen Strategies in a VERY Wet Year

Almond nitrogen needs are now in full swing, but with the extremely wet conditions, there is no need for irrigation, thus no ability for fertigation, which is the primary means of delivering nitrogen to the 1.3 million acres of almonds grown in California. Wet weather...