
Relative Maturity: 0.9
Features & Benefits
• Mr. Consistent
• Handles all yield environments
• Medium-Tall with excellent standability
• Good disease package
• Has drought tolerance to go west
Technology Trait
Region Adaptability

Flower Color: Purple
Pubescence Color: Light Tawny
Pod Color: Tan
Hilum Color: Black
Plant Type: Medium-Thin
Plant Height: Medium-Tall
Phytophthora Gene: Rps 1c
SCN Gene: PI 88.788
Herbicide Tolerance
Glyphosate: Yes
Glufosinate: Yes
Dicamba: Yes
2,4-D Choline: No
Emergence: Very Good
No-Till: Very Good
Wide Row Adaptation: Average
Stress Tolerance: Very Good
Standability: Excellent
Chloride Sensitivity: Excellent
Disease Tolerance
SDS: Very Good
PRR Field: Very Good
IDC: Above Avg
BSR: Very Good
White Mold: Very Good
Root Knot: N/A
Stem Canker: N/A
Frogeye: N/A
Cercospora: N/A
Yield Environment Placement
Tough: Very Good
Variable: Very Good
High Yield: Excellent
Soil Placement
Stress Prone: Very Good
Variable Placement: Excellent
Poorly Drained: Very Good
Highly Productive: Very Good
Herbicide Sensitivity
PPO Sensitivity: N/A
Metribuzin Sensitivity: N/A
Ratings: | 9 Excellent |
8 Very Good |
7 Above Avg |
5-6 Average |
3-4 Below Avg |
1-2 Poor |
Systems: | HR Highly Recommended |
R Recommended |
NR Not Recommended |
Resistance: | HR Highly Resistant |
R Resistant |
MR Moderately Resistant |
LR Least Resistant |
MS Moderately Susceptible |
S Susceptible |
All agronomic characteristics and ratings may vary with growing conditions and environment. Ratings are approximate and should not be considered as absolute. Ratings on new hybrids are based on limited data and may change as more data are colle cted. Extreme conditions may adversely affect hybrid performance. The relative maturity of one hybrid to another remains reasonably constant; however, the actual number of cale ndar days from seeding to physiological maturity varies with da te of planting, planting rate, temperature, day length, soil fertility, and other environmental factors.