Hybrid Forage Sorghum

Relative Maturity: Med-Full
Features & Benefits
• Medium-full BMR/Brachytic forage choice
• High tonnage and excellent digestibility
• Will reach soft dough in about 105 days
• Good drought tolerance and standability
Region Adaptability

Plant Characteristics
Avg Seeds/lb (x1000): 18.5
Relative Height: Med-Full
Head Type:
Grain Color:
Head Exsertion:
Avg Days to Mid Bloom:
Avg Days to Boot: 95
Silage Harvest Maturity: 115
Plant Trait: Hybrid Forage Sorghum
Drought Tolerance: Above Avg
Plant Ratings
Early Vigor: Very Good
Root Strength: N/A
Standability: Excellent
Drought Tolerance: Above Avg
Staygreen: N/A
Threshability: N/A
Yield for Maturity: N/A
Yield Stability: N/A
Pest Resistance
Anthracnose: N/A
Downy Mildew: Above Avg
Greenbug: R
Head Smut: N/A
Forage Management System
Hay: R
Continuous Grazing: HR
Rotational Grazing: HR
Water Management System
Dryland: R
Limited: HR
Irrigated: HR
Ratings: | 9 Excellent |
8 Very Good |
7 Above Avg |
5-6 Average |
3-4 Below Avg |
1-2 Poor |
Systems: | HR Highly Recommended |
R Recommended |
NR Not Recommended |
Resistance: | HR Highly Resistant |
R Resistant |
MR Moderately Resistant |
LR Least Resistant |
MS Moderately Susceptible |
S Susceptible |
All agronomic characteristics and ratings may vary with growing conditions and environment. Ratings are approximate and should not be considered as absolute. Ratings on new hybrids are based on limited data and may change as more data are colle cted. Extreme conditions may adversely affect hybrid performance. The relative maturity of one hybrid to another remains reasonably constant; however, the actual number of cale ndar days from seeding to physiological maturity varies with da te of planting, planting rate, temperature, day length, soil fertility, and other environmental factors.