Post-Harvest Mineral Nutrition Opportunities with MAX SET® NURISH® for Almonds
Applying nutrition to almonds post-harvest replenishes exported nutrients, optimizes bud development and fruit set for the next season while maximizing yield potential.
- Utilize the period between harvest and early leaf senescence. Apply foliar nutrition to recuperate the trees post-harvest and improve bud development and fruit set for the next season.
- MAX SET® NURISH® (7-2-16) ensures rapid nutrient uptake and efficient absorption of polymer nitrogen, potassium phosphite, and chelated zinc for optimal bud development and root vigor. Add FOLI-GRO® BORON for a complete nutrition package.
- MAX SET® NURISH® outperformed grower standard and the control by more than 14% in yield without affecting kernel size, with an ROI of more than 25 to 1 in eight years of replicated research.
- The optimal rate is 7 gallons per acre. Data shows 5-7 gallons per acre delivers a high ROI vs the grower standard.

Nitrogen: Critical for maintaining high yields in almond orchards and recent research suggests 20-25% of the annual Nitrogen budget of almond trees is utilized post-harvest.
- Replenish nitrogen to support post-harvest growth for carbohydrate storage, vegetative growth, and fruit bud differentiation
- Polymer nitrogen is easily taken up post-harvest when soil conditions do not lend themselves to fertigation due to droughts.
Phosphorous: Vital for Tissue Growth and Vigor
- Supports continued tissue growth and root flush growth
- Deficiency can delay flower formation and harvest in following season
- Foliar spray replenishes phosphorus removed during harvest, ensuring well-differentiated fruit buds.
Potassium: Key for Structural and Metabolic Processes
- Should be the First Nutrient that should come to mind post-harvest
- Required at all stages of growth and traditional heavy banding can be complemented with foliar applications post-harvest.
- Foliar potassium ensures the tree is ready for the dormant season, improving nutrient availability.
Zinc: Crucial for Spring Growth and Reproductive Success
- Often deficient in Central Valley soils due to high pH.
- Fall foliar applications supply zinc needs effectively since it is immobile in soil.
- Supports bud differentiation, root growth, and plant recuperation.
The concept of using MAX SET NURISH is to provide essential nutrients critical for bud differentiation, root growth and plant recuperation in a form that is readily absorbed and translocated to the fruiting buds. In independent research trials a rate of 7 gal/acre of MAX SET NURISH has outperformed grower control (Urea + Zinc sulfate + Solubor, 10 lb +10 lb +2 lb/acre) with no difference in kernel size (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Effects of MAXSET NURISH application rates on Nonpareil almond (lb/acre) compared to untreated control and grower standard in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Columns with different letters are statistically different at p<0.1.
Increasing the rate of MAXSET NURISH from 0 gal/acre (untreated control) to 7 gal/acre provided a 28% of return on investment with superior yield (Figure 2) compared to only 9% to grower control (Figure 2.)

Figure 2. Post harvest mineral nutrition costs per acre and return on investment (%) compared to untreated control in the San Joaquin Valley of California
Author: S. Kaan Kurtural