Wilbur-Ellis Media Contact
Sandra Gharib
Corporate Communication
Wilbur-Ellis Company
+ 1. 415.772.4036
Wilbur-Ellis will help represent potato growers and other industry members on key agriculture legislative and regulatory issues
Walnut Creek, Calif. – December 11, 2013 – Wilbur-Ellis Company, a recognized leader in crop production technology and the distribution and marketing of plant protection, seed and nutritional products, announced that it has become an official 2014 sponsor of the National Potato Council (NPC), an advocate for the economic well-being of U.S. potato growers on federal legislative, regulatory, environmental, and trade issues.
As a sponsor, Wilbur-Ellis will support the council’s activities at the upcoming POTATO EXPO 2014, the NPC annual meeting, and the Washington D.C. fly-in. Through the sponsorship, Wilbur-Ellis will take an active part in helping the council represent potato growers on legislative and regulatory issues.
“Wilbur-Ellis is thrilled to sponsor the NPC and support its activities in promoting the interests of our country’s potato growers,” said Scott Rawlins, director of government and regulatory affairs. “We’ve been a longtime supporter of the NPC and look forward to helping the council ensure the interest of growers and industry members are well-represented.”
Rawlins will attend NPC Capitol Hill briefings and event functions in 2014.
Founded in 1948, the NPC supports the country’s potato growers by monitoring the issues affecting the strength and viability of the potato industry, influencing regulators and legislators on issues crucial to the industry’s long-term success, ensuring fair market access for potatoes and potato products.
For more information, please visit www.wilburellis.com