Post-Harvest Cherry Nutrient Requirements

Post-harvest nutrient management plays a crucial role in influencing the growth and development of tree fruit. There is a relatively short window for applying fall fertilizers in cherry trees while the leaves are still green and actively conducting photosynthesis. The...

Crop Development Update – 6/29/2023

Corn Plant Development: V8 – V12 Stages (Vn (vegetative stages) based on visible leaf collars) V8 – V9 Period of rapid growth as new “V” stage is occurring about every 3 days All leaves have been formed but most are still hidden in the whorl Plant begins...

Summer Pests

As we progress into July, we are seeing the development of Japanese beetle populations. They have hit midway on the GDD calculator for peak emergence, and with more uneven crop stages this year, they may find those early emerging corn silks quite appetizing. Corn...

Increasing Yield of Cosmic Crisp® Apples

WA 38 (marketed as Cosmic Crisp) is a recently released apple cultivar from the WSU breeding program. At times, it experiences a heavy June drop, resulting in low yields. Applications of the ethylene inhibitor ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator during bloom on other apple...

Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Optimize Returns, Minimize Loss

Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Optimize Returns, Minimize Loss Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. It is also the costliest nutrient needed for many crops, especially corn. And it is one that can be tricky to manage since it can be...

Importance of Potassium After Historic Rainfall

Over the past several years, growers and other Ag producers have been wishing for rain, and this winter Mother Nature tried to drown those wishes with historic rainfall. Growers are much better positioned this spring from a water supply perspective, but the heavy...